appeal 1appeal n. 懇願; (世論 武力などに)訴えること; 控訴, 上告; 魅力. 【動詞+】 The supreme court
appeal 1appeal n. 懇願; (世論 武力などに)訴えること; 控訴, 上告; 魅力. 【動詞+】 The supreme court accepted his appeal for a stay of execution. 最高裁は彼の死刑執行停止の申し立てを受け入れた address an appeal to… …に訴える carry one's ap
appeal to ~の心に訴える、~に懇願{こんがん}する We think these items will appeal to the youth market. これらの製品は若者にうけると思う。
on appeal {1} : 《法律》抗告審判において -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《野球》アピール(プレー)によって The runner was called out on appeal. ランナーはアピールプレーによってアウトになった。
to appeal to appeal 檄を飛ばす げきをとばす 泣き付く なきつく 呼び掛ける よびかける
appeal a ruling 裁定を不服として上訴する、控訴する ABC Corp. will appeal a ruling issued in California against advertisements comparing ABC's computers with systems from XYZ Computer Corp.Dockerell said Cyrix got a check this week
before the war kamigata rakugo did not appeal to the audience in tokyo because of its different dialects and style . 戦前までは言葉や芸風の違いで、上方落語は東京の客層には受け入れてもらえなかった。
according to imperial family law , expanded regulation article no .1 issued by the emperor february 11 , 1907 , and article no . 25 of the regulation of imperial rank , for the princes of the descendants of a great-great grandchild of the imperial family , if the prince does not appeal entreat , they will be forced to become nobles by receiving surnames by the emperor ' s order excluding eldest son ' s grandchildren ' s line up to four generations . 皇玄孫ノ子孫タル王明治40年2月11日勅定の皇室典範増補第1条及ヒ皇族身位令第25条ノ規定ニヨリ情願ヲ為ササルトキハ長子孫ノ系統4世以内ヲ除クノ外勅旨ニ依リ家名ヲ賜ヒ華族ニ列ス